Monday, December 28, 2009

How often do long distance relationships work out?

Also, what do you think is the best way to make an LDR work out, even if it take's a couple of years until you're together? By long distance I mean 3-6 hours away from where you live.How often do long distance relationships work out?
I completely agree with beautiful disaster. I've been in a LDR for 6 years. Hes in Germany and I'm in California. He is currently working on his bachelors thesis and is planning to move here with me. After that i plan on moving to Germany with him. :) If anyone has questions feel free to email me. Best wishes to all in LDRs!How often do long distance relationships work out?
If you met already living 3 to 6 hours apart then most of the time they do not work out. Eventually someone has to move and upset their life. One of you will leave friends and family and a job behind and the other will not. Constant source of problems. Unless neither of you care about where you live and pick a new place to live it might. The main reason mine didn't work is because we were used to not seeing each other. We talked on the phone and saw each other every other weekend. He had his life, I had mine. It was difficult to put them together and see each other all the time.
We live 3 1/2 hours apart from each other and have been dating for almost two years. It depends on how much youre committed to each other. Personally I think that a routine helps a lot, like seeing each other every two weeks as every weekend is often not possible, talking daily, texting each other after being out with friends so that your partner knows that you got home savely, being honest about everything even if your pissed at your partner.
Well sweety that all depends on how commited both of you are to making it work, if one of you isn't as serious about making it work it wont!! I think it is very possible to make a LDR work, you just have to keep things exciting and talk, talk, talk:) I don't know how old you are, but here are some good ideas to keeping a LDR healthy and happy. You need to from the very begining establish boundaries for eachother and committ to keeping your word on things ie: decide if you want eachother to be completley exclusive with eachother(like no dates with opposite sex ext.) when you have done this and you both are on the same page about it, communication is very key!!! Get either a web cam(fun, fun) or simply call eachother atleast once a night to talk about what is going on in your and her life(it is important to make eachother feel like you are apart of eachothers lives even though you are so far away) while on the phone, start a movie at the same time so that you both can watch together(this is really fun:) Send her little care packages every once in a while to show you care about her.......take all the free time you have to visit eachother!! LDR can be hard, but if you are both willing to commit and make it work then they can be beautiful, plus it doesn't get boring as quick:)hehe You both must be able to TRUST one another or long distance will NEVER work for you!! I think you can do it it is fun and exciting and scary but very possible!!! Live right and great things will happen in your life!! Good luck sweety!
My guy lives only an hour away from me = 2 hours driving round trip, and that makes it tough sometimes. But we've lasted and our relationship is very solid. Try to be fair in how you arrange taking turns at visiting one another so one person isn't doing all the driving. And try to make sure when you're not together your life is still full. ie. I take belly dancing lessons, play racquetball, and get out with friends so that I don't feel lonely when he's not around. And above all have good communication. Long distance relationships can work if both people want it to, and also if they think the drive is worth's only if they resent the drive or resent not being able to see each other as often as they'd like to that it gets difficult. All the best,
I had a ldr for 3 years, we ended up moving in together. Stayed together a total of 6 years. The long distance actually made us closer. We talked more, listened more, learned so much about each other. We were young though, not mature, that's the only reason the relationship didn't last for us. But I still think of him and will always have a place in my heart for him.
I live in RI and my boyfriend is in AZ

That's like effing 10 hours haha

Yeah they do work out. We've been going out for like 10 months and it's still strong. Long distance relationships have their downs, but if you love each other enough, every thing will work out!
My dad's long distance relationship definitely worked out. She's from England and we're from Canada, and they're married now. It took a few years before she moved here.

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