Sunday, May 9, 2010

What do you think about impossible relationships?

Do you think that the impossibility of a relationship makes it tragic or rather pathetic? Do you think nowadays people just prefer to just let someone go easier, just because there is more choice. Are we becoming a society of everything replaceable?What do you think about impossible relationships?
The impossibility of a relationship is how you see it. People nowadays definitely prefer to let go rather than work on a difficult relationship. Ours is a society of individuals, and generally people are much more concerned with the easiest route of self-satisfaction rather than one that may be difficult and unpleasant. That said, there are many individuals who value committment and generally wish to have partnerships that are lifelong. It is really a question of what a person's values are. There have always been many choices, for some individuals anyway. I think that the change and increase in divorce rates could be attributed better to the changing values of our society. Not everything is replacable, but people do want the path of least resistance and greatest self-pleasure.What do you think about impossible relationships?
At my age ,pathetic.I know better.But It took a few tragic relationships to find out.
As far as I'm concerned they aren't tragic (unless you consider wasting your life away in an ';impossible relationship'; tragic, which it is..) They can be pathetic.

Generally, though, I just think they don't make a shred of sense.

By virtue of its being ';impossible';, such a relationship is never going to be what a relationship ought to be. Neither party will enjoy a good, solid, relationship and will spend a whole of of time going through whatever turmoil (inner or between them) over the fact that they are in an ';impossible'; relationship.

When a relationship is right, even when problems in it occur both parties are willing to work together - which, in itself, is a sign of a good relationship in spite of any problems in it. If the people involved have come to see their relationship as ';impossible';, though, they have the choice of remaining unhappy for the rest of their life or taking a shot at finding happiness (or at least the peace of not being in an impossible relationship).

It isn't about a society that has come to view everything as replaceable or disposable. It is about a society that now understands what a healthy relationship is and why it is important for all involved not to be living in an unhealthy situation. It is also because many people don't understand some of the more hidden things about people that will eventually amount to having been a time bomb for a relationship. (I'm not putting down people's lack of understanding of it. It is very tricky and something people sometimes only learn from having been in a bad relationship.)
just gettin on
We are becoming a society of people not wasting their life on losers. You make that sound like a bad thing. I think you need to get the hell out of an ';impossible'; relationship, because life is far too short, and far too fragile, and far too precious to waste on one nanosecond of negativity.

Everything *is* replaceable except life, you only get one.
Yes, we are becoming a society where relationships are absolutely expendable. ';If you don't please me, I'll find someone else who will.'; This seems to be the way a lot of us think. And then there's the other group of people (like myself) who are just sick of putting up with BS. Why do I have to put up with someone elses crap? Answer?? I don't! So, I choose not to. That's just the way it is. Life is too short.
i have an impossible one. yeah, it麓s sad. However how i would love if i could just get it off from my head and move on just like you say everybody else does.
With todays high divorce rate, I think couples give up way too easy. It seems like divorce is the stylish thing to do. What happened to the good ole values of ';Til death do us part?'; When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s divorce was not a word that you heard very often, now people change spouses like others change underwear.

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