Saturday, January 23, 2010

How come most of the time its politicians that admit to have extra marital relationships?

I dunno, it's interesting to me, that politicians having extra marital relationships makes the news a lot.How come most of the time its politicians that admit to have extra marital relationships?
Because the alien abduction story is just too much for the people to believe.

We really don't know why they go missing or cheat but we'd rather hear that than some crazy story about how he whacked a few children on the head just to sell their kidneys on the black market.

...How come most of the time its politicians that admit to have extra marital relationships?
it's not that they admit to it more, they just get put in the spotlight for it more. it's not so bad if your average joe has an affair, but god forbid it's mark sanford.

on a side note: just becasue edwards and sanford are cheaters and from south carolina doesn't mean everyone here
sos i want you to vote for me i turn my life a round like some druggie who is trying to tell every body they are straight now in a few months go back do it again

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