Thursday, January 21, 2010

How do you built relationships to achieve a common goal?

This question was asked in a job application. I can't think of any examples.How do you built relationships to achieve a common goal?
I would say....

Ways in which I would build relationships to achieve a common goal would be to help others as much as I can without falling behind on my own responsibilities, ensure that no one else is falling behind on reaching the common goal, if so then arrange for everyone to help a little bit to ensure that the goal is reached before the deadline is reached. I would also make sure everyone was completely happy with what I was doing and what everyone else is doing, dealing with issues as and when they arise.How do you built relationships to achieve a common goal?
ESTABLISH the goal by discussing the issues with your teammates. (COMMUNICATING). SET PRIORITIES , then ASSIGN TASKS. Ask for, and seek FEEDBACK. Adjust tasks through feedback and experiences accordingly.

This question is not about making friends, it is about working together as a team. If you were applying for a leadership position, you just failed the test.

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