Thursday, January 21, 2010

How often do romantic relationships between friends work out?

idk. but at this point i am willing to take the chance.How often do romantic relationships between friends work out?
I've been with my best guy friend for almost a year. But I technically had a huge crush on him first, thought it would never work so I kept my mouth shut and he just became a very close friend. Then we both fell so hard and after FOREVER of waiting to see what happened he asked me out. It was great and has been since. It's hard though because then if you break up it might be awkward to be friends again.How often do romantic relationships between friends work out?
I'm not sure what the norm is, but my boyfriend was my best friend for 2 years before we started dating, and its worked for us for 3 years now.
not too often,

If person A is person B's best friend,

then when they go out person B will have nobody to talk to,

and if they break up they usually don't turn back into friends,
im not sure how often. but my boyfriend and I were friends for almost 8 years before we got together and we have been together for a few years now and are getting married. so i guess thats one success story
well if u to were ever to break up you prob wouldnt be frends anymore. but if u still talked to each other it would be super akward!
works out to well,

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