Friday, January 15, 2010

How often do opposite sex police officers start relationships with each other.?

I'm just curious. I'm a criminal justice major who hopes to become a cop. I like strong women like female police officers. Is it common for female cops to marry/date other cops?How often do opposite sex police officers start relationships with each other.?
I Became A Cop Five Years Ago And My Third Year Of Being A Cop I Met My New Partner And My New Husband. I Moved To The K9 Unit Of Our Squad. My Husband And His Dog Ranger, And Me And My Dog Marshall. The Four Of Us Make A Good Team. But It Seems To Be Rare That They Pair Two Officers And Two K9s Together.How often do opposite sex police officers start relationships with each other.?
There's one thing you have to understand first, cops do tend to date other cops because they ';understand'; what the other does every day and the stress, odd hours and such. HOWEVER, it doesn't work out very often. Many of the female officers I know (including myself) have dated male officers in the past and decided it was a terrible idea and swore off dating officers for good. You find that all you talk about is the job and that leads to a terrible relationship. You have to have an outlet from any job and unfortunately, police officers tend to talk about their jobs and what happened during their day a lot! I enjoy being able to go home and forget about the day and not talk about police work at all!
It happens quite a bit.

Officers no longer go to regular bars and are careful where and who they hang out with, often sticking amongst their own. A good looking female officer will be continually hit on by her male peers as soon as she gets out of the academy. Eventually they will date someone they like and end up marrying.

There are a lot of divorces in police couple marriages.
Many law enforcement couples get together because they tend to understand the job and it's stresses better. Like shift work and odd days off. Also there is a sense of looking out for one and other if they both understand the work environment. It can also be a short term thing too considering what I just said.
In my agency the marriages that seem to work out best for female officers are those with other cops. I do know a few female officers that swear they will never ever date another cop. That's what they tell me anyway.
In the area I work, 90% of the female cops either look like dudes, or are dudes, for all intents and purposes.

For whatever reason, it seems many men in law enforcement hook up with schoolteachers.
when your in the police industry, you cannot date a anyone IT IS ILLEGAL and you will be punished
Just the same as normal people.
love is an enigma,

regardless professions


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