Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How can you make long ditsance relationships work?

My boyfriend lives in MS, but i live in AZ. I love him more than anything. But, he keeps talking to a girl and she keeps saying she loves him and it's worrying me. What do I do?How can you make long ditsance relationships work?
Oh goodness ive been in an LDR for a year.. i love him %26amp; he loves me..

but trust is a huge problem %26amp; why these dont work...

Idk.. man dont u wish u were there to straighten things up..

You have to talk to him.

Long Distance Relationships work only if both of u are very devoted to th relationship.

You need to talk to him %26amp; set him straight tht if hes not going to take it seriously then to let you know before ur crushed.;_ylt=Ap9HVT_7HR74OBUg5BFuzpXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091026165506AAFV8rWHow can you make long ditsance relationships work?
Im currently in a long distance relationship and i love my boyfriend dearly. altho my relationship is slightly different hes in the army so id say mine is slightly hard due to the reputation the soldiers have. me and my boyfriend talk as much as we can, on the phone, internet and texting. long distance isnt that hard tbh the key is to have good communication. as for the other girl hes been talking to id say just say it straight to him its the best way. just ask him whats going on and im sure he will tell you the truth if he loves u. hope this helps
If he is talking to another girl and you guys are still together then obviously he doesn't want to be in a comitted relationship. You need to tell him either your with me or your not. And after you figure that out thens when you can start working on your long distance relationship.

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