Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What do you think of relationships where the age difference is quite big?

My partner is 12 years younger than me and it works great, he is in his mid 30's. We were friends for years before we became romantically involved and it is the easiest relationship imaginable. He is strong, kind, hard working, intelligent and kind, and thinks I am gorgeous, he honestly believes I am one of the most beautiful women in the world.

I trust him and admire him, he is rather tasty, but being blond he looks even younger than he is.What do you think of relationships where the age difference is quite big?
There is a 17 year age difference between myself and my darling. He is only a year older then my eldest son. We have been together for nearly a decade and he is the most caring, loving, humorous and wickedly intelligent person I know.

I was married and divorced twice to men in my age group. They thought they could control me financially, career wise and emotionally.

Didn't work. I do not see myself ever being involved with any man my age or older ever again. Actually I plan on doing my best to be as good to my love as he is to me, always. Nine and a half years and still madly in love.What do you think of relationships where the age difference is quite big?
When you're young, age is a big deal, but in the 30's and beyond I don't think age has much to do with it. If you were good friends before, that's a big plus. Any relationship is good when you trust each other.
I think it's wonderful! There is a large age gap with my boyfriend too. He is the best man I've ever gone out with and he loves me completely. My mother's 2nd husband was 18 years older than her and her current husband is 12 years younger.
It is different when people are more mature than let's say an 18 year old with a 42 year old. I think that is kind of....odd. But at the same time, if it is love and it is consenting then whatever floats your boat.
Do what works for you and don't worry about anyone else. Some people are mature for their age, some people never grow up. It is so hard to find someone to make you happy these days, you are sooooo lucky.
Shouldn't be a problem.

I adore women half my age (about 25-35 age range) I'm 52.
Between adults it does not matter.

Only between adults and kids do I believe it's a problem.
I say you can't help who you fall ion love with. After all age is just a number.


Enjoy every minute of it.
quite hot actually...

I'm only 20... but I'm interested in older guys that are 30+... idk they're more attractive...

their skin is more rough...
I think whatever works for the 2 ppl involved should be no one else's business. Glad you found your soul mate!
I think if you love one another age doesn't matter.
its all good as long as its legal
as long as everyone is consenting adults, i am all for it
My dad was 30 years older than my mom. It worked out for them .
As long as it's true love, I'm okay with it.

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